Congress Member Senator Dianne Feinstein Died At 90

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Senator Dianne Feinstein was one of the oldest members of the congress party. And at Thursday night she left the world. She served for 30 years for the party.

Dianne Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein was six term senator for California, United States. She had firstly won the election in the year 1992.

She was born on 22 June 1933 in San Francisco, California, United States. She has one girl child named Katherine Feinstein.

She was an inspiration for all the women’s around the world as she had an amazing life as an Senator and was the longest serving female Senator in the history of United States.

Dianne Feinstein's old photo of holding spectacles and smiling

The news of her death saddened the whole world and the news was confirmed by her family members. She was 90 years old when she took the last breath on Thursday night.

Dianne Feinstein was suffering from memory problem. And she was adviced to step down from her postion which she never accepted.

She had faced many problems regarding her health. Encephalitis caused her to use wheelchair in her last days. Her health was not good during the last stage of her life.

She was one of the oldest members of the party ane had an spotlight on her due to her long serving for the party. She served for the party for almost 30 years after her retirement age.

The news about her death was not confirmed until Friday morning just there was some rumours about something has happened to Dianne Feinstein the Senator. On Friday the news was confirmed and she was announced dead.

Dianne Feinstein smiling

Dianne Feinstein was about to retire in 2025. Now after her death who would take her place is the main concern for everyone.

She was praised by everyone who knew her as she had an extremely amazing career and she served the longest as a senate. She just loved her work and this was her life.

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